We gratefully acknowledge the following groups, institutions, and individuals
for their participation in Project Athena:
ECMWF – European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, UK
Mats Hamrud
Martin Miller
Peter Towers
Thomas Jung
Tim Palmer (co-PI)
Nils Wedi
JAMSTEC – Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan
Chihiro Kodama
Hirofumi Tomita (co-PI)
Yohei Yamada
University of Tokyo, Japan
Masaki Satoh (co-PI)
NICS – National Institute for Computational Studies, USA
Phil Andrews (co-PI)
Christian Halloy
Rich Mohr
Troy Baer
Dwayne John
Kwai Wong
Matt Ezell
Bruce Loftis
Cray – Cray Inc., USA and Japan
Peter Johnsen
Per Nybert
COLA – Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, USA
Deepthi Achutavarier
Bohua Huang
Julia Manganello
Jennifer Adams
Emilia Jin
Cristiana Stan
Eric Altshuler
Jim Kinter (PI)
David Straus
Ben Cash
Larry Marx
Tom Wakefield
NSF – National Science Foundation *
AGS: Jay Fein
OCI: Steve Meacham
OCI: Rob Pennington
* The NSF provides funding for the dedicated operation of the Athena supercomputer at NICS through the NICS cooperative agreement. The NSF also provides funding for one full-time scientist (D. Achutavarier) at COLA to be dedicated to this project through an EAGER grant as well as long-term base funding for COLA through a multi-agency grant funded jointly with NOAA and NASA.
